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Call Precision Ag Solutions Today
To find out how we can customize your herbicide sprayer and start saving up to 90% on your chemical costs.
The NEXT Generation
Key benefits of WEED-IT Quadro technology
Savings -50% - 90% reduction in chemicals
Efficiency - cover more acres with less fill-ups
Robust detection sensors
Fast PWM solenoids
The right spray rate at the right place
Work day and night
Automatic background calibration
Dual spraying
Fits on every sprayer
Improved detection on small plants
Increased power efficiency
50% LESS
Weighing only 1.5 lbs per sensor
Places less stress on your sprayer
Each sensor controls 4x independent solenoids spaced at 5" to10" for maximum efficiency
Full PWM
Application control
Controlled dosage per weed
Speed & Turn Compensating
Year-round usage with blanket spraying using PWM for accurate fungicide or in-crop herbicide
Sectional control integration with Ag Leader John Deere, Trimble, and Raven rate control
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